Our mission

Our aim is to increase sustainability and quality by recoating and repairing your cooking utensils.


Our history

Sustainability starts in the mind and often ends in the kitchen. During my fall break in 2020, I attended the “Innosuisse Business Concepts” course while still training as an environmental engineer. There I learned that alarmingly large quantities of old frying pans are thrown away unnecessarily and scrapped with a lot of energy. An initial business model was outlined. After iterations of prototypes, collections from kitchens and waste disposal yards, the first series of newly coated pans was offered during a pre-sale in spring 2022. With success! The feedback from customers for the idea and the coating quality was overwhelming. Since then, RePan has been campaigning for the recoating of frying pans, true to the motto: “It doesn’t have to be like this”

Pfannen Schlieren half full cut small


The founder

Domi Square

Dominic S. Müller


As a passionate Rösti cook and now a young entrepreneur, you need good pans. Dominic learned to look at resources in large systems, including the pan in everyone’s kitchen. With RePan, what they have learned is now being put into action: “The principle of the circular economy can be applied to so many things, for the quality of the product, in life and for the environment”.

The team

Lorenzina Mueller Ludaescher

Lorenzina Müller Ludäscher


Yassine Alaya


Implementation partner

Die Stiftung Wendepunkt führt nicht nur die Pfannenbestellung für RePan aus, sie begleitet auch Menschen seit 1993 zurück in den Arbeitsmarkt.

Turning Point Foundation

Metalworking & shipping logistics in the supplementary labor market

The Wendepunkt Foundation has been supporting people back into the labor market since 1993 and is committed to helping people experience turning points. For the people employed by the foundation, RePan’s pan order means meaningful, challenging work and the knowledge that they are bringing joy to someone somewhere by cooking with it.


Retired: PM seminar leader & military engineer


Executive Director Operational Excellence


Circular Brand & Product Development


Frequently asked questions

Basically everything. All pans, pots, baking trays or grill utensils – regardless of manufacturer or make – can be re-coated by us (with the exception of copper and cast iron pans, which do not require a coating anyway). However, for a pan to be coated with RePan, it should be intact (apart from the coating). Flammable handles or parts must be removable.

We probably already have your exact model in stock with a new coating. That’s why we recommend: Search for and order an already recoated pan and save yourself the trouble of searching for and sending in a box.

But we can also come and pick up your pans, trays, rice pots, waffle irons, grills etc. and re-coat them!

As the recoating service requires a lot of high-tech and manual work, it takes a while. Yes, we have a trick up our sleeve that reduces the waiting time from weeks to days:

Instead of waiting for your exact pan, we can exchange for exactly the same identical model or at least similar pans with at least the same shape and size from stock. If you select “Similar”, you have a better chance of getting a quick replacement from our stock of 400 different models. If we do not have a suitable model in stock, we will notify you and we will coat and return your exact pan.

Yes! We offer collection boxes incl. Cushioning material, address cards and instructions, which you can place in your apartment block, workplace or other meeting place. There is room for 20-25 pans and all participants can save on postage! Look here: RePan collection box

Yes! The induction capacity is determined by the metals contained in the base of the pan. A little tip: hold a magnet to the underside of the pan: if it holds well, the pan is induction-compatible – know how!

No matter what pan manufacturers say, a hand-washed coated pan will always last longer. The reason for this is the highly alkaline environment in the dishwasher, which can even deform the metal. But even once the pan goes into the machine, the world doesn’t come to an end. It is important that no metal touches the inside, which can lead to damage.

We even offer a one-year guarantee on the new coating, although wear and tear is very much dependent on use. If there should be any defects during production, please contact us.

The new coating is a special non-stick coating, built up in three layers:
1. primer for good hold
2. hardening middle class
3. non-stick coating with the material PTFE (also known as “Teflon”) (And no, Teflon is not NEVER toxic)

Pans have a slightly different coating to baking trays, for example, in terms of composition. We therefore make sure that we only use what is suitable for each item.

Short answer: No.
This is a misconception – but there is a story behind it! PTFE, also known as Teflon, has an extremely stable molecular structure: it consists only of carbon and fluorine atoms. PTFE-coated pans have been used all over the world every day since 1955. – Those were different times! And this is where the rumor comes from: not the material itself, but the production materials used at the time are not only harmful to health or even carcinogenic, but they were also discharged directly into the water (hence the film“Dark Waters 2019“). You could therefore eat the material itself every day in bowls for breakfast and it would simply pass through you – just like sand, for example.

However, there is one warning sign: If you overheat the pans to over 300°C without contents! From then on, the fluorine molecules decompose and turn into toxic gases and you get a fever. However, if you do this with everyday table salt (NaCl), you will have produced much more toxic chlorine gases! Therefore: In standard use below this temperature, numerous studies show no harmful effects on the body, even with abrasion and direct ingestion of whole PTFE coating parts.

Learned something again 😉

There is nothing better than Teflon for non-stick coatings (yet). Only uncoated stainless steel or cast iron can be an alternative in some cases – but this must be learned!

Click here for the full Teflon article:

Ja gerne! Wir bereiten diese auf und geben Ihr ein neues Leben in einer anderen Küche. Allerdings musst du das Porto noch selbst übernehmen, doch dafür ersparst du dir den Weg zum Entsorghof.

Ausserdem ermöglichst du uns geradeweg Pfannen neu zu beschichten, denn die Entsorghöfe stellen sich derzeit meist quer und geben nichts raus.  

Hier die Adresse:

RePan Recycling
c/o Stiftung Wendepunkt
Klosterstrasse 40 (Haus C)
5430 Wettingen

Tipp: Wenn du selbst eine Pfanne bestellst, dann kannst du deine alte Pfanne im selben Karton an uns retournieren: Dann verwenden wir gar den Karton wieder 🙂 

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