
Kuhn Rikon with Hick

Instead of throwing it away, we would like to give this not quite perfect Kuhn Rikon pan a chance. Although it is newly coated and of good quality, it has many small depressions in the floor. Look at the second picture, there you can see the reason for the reduction.

Out of stock

SKU 241901 (B011) Kategorie Tag


Instead of throwing it away, we would like to give this not quite perfect Kuhn Rikon pan a chance. Although it has a new coating and is of good quality, it must have received an unhealthy knock during production and may not have been treated with the same care by the previous owner. Look at the second picture, there you can see the reason for the reduction, but the pan can also be used as it is, because we have already been using this type of waste for 2 years.

Additional information

Height 57 × 32 × 11 cm


26 cm




Best coating

Our coating quality is normally only found in the high-price and gastro segment, which is why our coating is often even better than new. PFOA-, AEPO-, GenX- and BPA-free. The triple ceramic-reinforced non-stick coating that lasts extra long.

RePan Schweiz

Regional circular economy

As the mines are located around the globe and commercial pans are mostly produced in Asia, they are transported over long distances. RePan is once again producing in the region and using existing resources instead of importing.

5-20 times less resources consumed

2g coating renewed instead of 1kg metal shredded and produced again in the Far East. We don't dispose of a car because of worn tires, right?

Social work reintegration

RePan works with foundations in Switzerland that offer people with physical, psychological or mental disabilities a secure and supervised workplace. There, the pans are polished, screwed and packaged so that they are ready for a new life.

Re-coat your own pans

All brands, shapes, sizes & materials: We remove the old coating and apply our ceramic-reinforced triple non-stick coating - free from PFOA, APEO, GenX & BPA


Ursula W.
Verified ownerVerified owner

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Alles sehr unkompliziert und gut verlaufen.

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Isabella Parazzini
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Genial, wie neu!

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Verified ownerVerified owner

habe ich erst 1x gebrauch...aber sieht gut aus

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